Q: What does "Fix" mean?
This button starts the Fix workflow process, which allows you to fill in or "fix" missing required or suggested product information.
Overall 'Fix' means that there are attributes or information of a product that is needed in order for it to meet the necessary standards and be added to a future event.
Q: Can I "Fix" my styles in bulk?
We are very excited about how POP handles Bulk versus individual products. You can select any combination of products and edit any shared attribute at one time.
For example, you can select all and change hundreds or thousands of "Country of Origin" in one click... or you can select the 10 that were made in India, and change just those. Any combination of attributes or products can be grouped together and changed directly in our web interface.
You can also change attributes at the top level and have those updates instantly apply to all of the sizes that live underneath that main product- again, with just one click.
Click here for more information on Bulk Fixes
Q: What are "Required Fixes"?
Required product information that is needed prior to bringing styles into the Zulily system.
Q: What are "Optional Fixes"?
Recommended product information, but not required for bringing into the Zulily system
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