POP! uses specially designed templates to ingest 100+ product category-specific attributes to help define products
NOTE: POP templates can only be updated using Microsoft Excel. Any other spreadsheet program such as Google Sheets or Apple Numbers will result in an error when uploaded into POP!. Up to 500 data filled rows can be uploaded at a given time.
Click HERE for help determining which template to use
- Choose the template that is most relevant to your product category
- Click the arrow icon to download the template
*NOTE: Users are required to use the templates downloaded from POP!
Completing the template
- After opening the template click enable editing
- Instructions are located on the far-left side in columns A-C
- Do not change column header names or delete any pre-existing tabs available
- Each header contains formatting and data validation that is necessary for POP!
- Columns with yellow headers are required for any new style
*All column headers must exactly match Zulily terminology
- Column order can be changed
- To move a column, copy the column then right-click and insert copied cells to move the column, along with the data validation, properly.
- Then delete the original column
*Please note: Vendor doc templates can still be customized to meet your needs by removing, hiding columns, or rearranging the order.
- In all sections, other than Core attributes, columns can be deleted
- Feel free to delete any columns that are not marked as required or aren't relevant to your products
- Please do not use any currency symbols such as $
The UPC column is only to be used for properly formatted UPCs. Zulily requires all UPCs to be in line with EAN13 or UPC-A standards.
- A valid UPC does not include dashes, spaces, or decimals
- It is exactly 12 numerical digits
- For more information on UPC rules and standards visit gs1.org
- If you do not have UPCs, leave the UPC column blank, and DO NOT delete the column from the template
If you are using a code that is not in standard UPC format, for example, EAN or ISBN, enter it into the Vendor Barcode column and complete the vendor barcode type column as well.
DO NOT fill out both UPC and Vendor Barcode. If this is done, POP! will generate an error. You must pick one or the other.
Style Name Format
If multiple styles share the same SKU or Style Name, they may get incorrectly merged or partially ingested in POP!
- If styles share a common SKU across multiple colorways, please ensure that a unique identifier is included in the style name.
- A unique identifier should be consistent within the style yet unique in comparison to other styles
- This can be the color name, a number, or anything that would help in separating the styles within our system.
- Each Style must have a unique style name
Click HERE for complete Style Name Guidance
Entering Size information
Vendor Size is a Required column on the template
- Any style that only comes in one size must be notated on the template as 'One-Size' (spelled exactly).
- Do not put measurements or product dimensions (LxWxH) in the Vendor Size column for single size items.
- Measurements must be entered in the Dimensions section of the template (see instructions below).
- For multi-size styles, each size must be entered as a separate row on the template. Do not enter a size range on only one row.
- For some multi-size items product measurements may be used as the vendor size
- Event-specific attributes such as inventory and cost should be entered into the designated row for each size
Parent/Child columns
- To provide a consistent shopping experience for our customers, it is important to ensure that each style is grouped correctly when set up in POP!.
- Parent/Child relationship columns are on the template to enable users to designate which SKUs should be grouped together
Click HERE for detailed instructions on completing the Parent/Child columns on the template
- Product Dimensions are broken out into 3 separate columns
- WxHxD
- Zulily does not use one catch-all field for dimensions
- Dimension units MUST be selected from the dropdown menu
- Measurements must be entered in decimal format, fractions are not accepted
Prepack Information
This section is optional on the template, but the information is vital if you are sending inventory to Zulily in prepacks.
Prepack ID
This code tells our shipping and receiving team which SKUs come together in the same pack.
- Typically your manufacturer will have already assigned a prepack code or ID to each pack when they send the units to you. You can use that same ID code on the POP template, or make one up yourself.
In the example below, the Ivory and the Navy styles come in the same pack, so they have the same Prepack ID.
Prepack Quantity
This number tells Zulily how the prepack is configured, meaning how many units of each SKU or size are in the pack.
- It is often referred to as the prepack ratio or prepack breakdown.
In the example below, the prepack comes with 1 small 2 medium, and 1 large in the Ivory color and 1 small 2 medium, and 1 large in the Navy color.
Other tips
Drop-down lists
- Some columns include drop-down lists.
- The only verbiage allowed in these columns is what is provided in the drop-down list.
- Information will not be imported into POP! if any other option other than what is offered in the drop-down list is copy/pasted into the column.
- For example: if you tried to paste "Zipper closure" into the Apparel Closure column below; although it is similar to "Zip closure", it is not exact to what is offered in the drop-list.
- If the wording includes a hyphen - within it, anything pasted would also need to include a hyphen. For example "Pull-on" listed below, will not import if it is pasted as "Pull on" without the hyphen.
If you are not sure what information a column is asking for, hover the mouse over the column header
- Each column header has a red triangle in the top corner.
- When you hover over it, a box containing the definition along with an example will appear
- Once the template is filled out, drag and drop it into the designated area, or upload it from your computer
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