Once the template is filled out, drag and drop it into the designated area, or upload it from your computer
POP! will only accept uploads in .xlsx/.xls format
- Any other document format will result in an error
Warning: Please only upload your template one time. Repeated uploads of the same template will result in an error in POP! and may cause duplicates to be created within your catalog.
Info Columns
All uploads are listed on the POP! landing page in a series of rows and columns. The most recent upload is at the top of the list.
1. Document Column– Displays the original document you uploaded, click the arrow icon to download the document for review
2. Products Column - shows the total number of products that were on the document
3. Date Column - displays the date and time of the upload
4. Status Column – indicates if the template is:
- ready for review
- upload failure
- template missing required attributes for POP! to properly read
- styles missing required attributes
*Note: In most cases, if information is missing from the document, there is no need to fix the document and re-upload the template. Updates are made directly in POP!.
5. Results Column - shows the number of required attributes that need to be updated
Required Fixes – these attributes must be updated and addressed before a style can be fully available for events
- Once the required fixes are complete, the status of each style will change to “Minimum Met,”. The styles are then available within a vendors catalog, and the Buying team will need to be notified of these new styles.
Optional Fixes – these additional attributes are not required but are highly recommended
- They help create the best possible Product Descriptions, allow for faster shipping, and expedite compliance approvals
- Extras like keywords and additional images and media help the product be more successful online.
- Optional fixes give customers a better overall picture of the products being offered
Document getting processed – this means the tool is still verifying the information on your document
Error – this means the upload was unsuccessful due to a document error
You will get an error if:
- Any Required column from the Core attribute section are missing
- Incorrect document file type (must be .xlsx or .xls)
- Template file is too large
- No more than 500 rows can be uploaded at a given time
- Foreign metadata within the template - if templates were to be processed through a 3rd party program (i.e. Google Sheets, Numbers) then this would be the case
Issues – This indicates that the product setup was unsuccessful due to a handful of possibilities:
- Duplicate style names/color
- Multiple 'Child' products have duplicate attributes across multiple styles
- Parent and Child colors within a style do not align
- Additional sizes grouped with 'One-Size' products
- Style Names are inconsistent within a size run
- Incorrect Parent Vendor SKUs within a style
Unsuccessful rows of an upload can be access by selecting the drop down arrow and expanding the available 'issues' list that generates. Additional download options in the form of a downward arrow will become available to select.
Upload ID
Each POP! upload has a unique code assigned to it. This code helps internal team members pinpoint the specific upload and any possible system issues that may be associated with the particular upload.
Match – The Match button will appear if the system has indicated there are products from the upload that may already exist in our database
- Should the 'Match' button appear, be sure to address this FIRST
Fix - Click the Fix button to begin updating style attributes using the Fix workflow
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