Portal Mobile Experience – Future Event Approval
We are excited to announce the second phase of our Portal Mobile Experience - Future Event Approval. This feature provides the ability to review and approve your upcoming event information from your phone or tablet device. Please take a look at our How-to Guide for a review of this process. As always, feel free to provide any and all feedback through your tablet or phone by clicking the Submit Feedback button in the mobile portal. (There's an image of it in the How-To Guide, so you'll know what to look out for.) We hope you enjoy this new feature to update and confirm future event information from the convenience of your mobile device.
Portal Mobile Experience - Increasing Inventory in Live Events
You asked and we heard: We're excited to announce the launch of our Vendor Portal Mobile Experience! Now you can add inventory to live events right from your tablet or phone. Our How-to Guide has all the information you need to access and use this new platform, so take a peek to get started. As always, feel free to provide any and all feedback through your tablet or phone by clicking the Submit Feedback button in the mobile portal. (There's an image of it in the How-To Guide, so you'll know what to look out for.) We hope you enjoy the freedom to add inventory to your events anytime and from anywhere.
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