Download and review our zulily routing guide by clicking this link: Zulily Shipping Routing Guidelines. Or, scroll through the FAQ list below.
- My shipment was created in error.
Shipments created in error may be deleted by clicking the red button found on the specific PO page, then clicking the Shipment # hyperlink. Deleting a shipment will populate your PO back to the “Unshipped Pos” tab under the 'ship to Zulily' Section.
I can’t find my UPS labels.
UPS Labels can be found on the specific PO page, then clicking the Shipment # hyperlink circled below.
Shipping and carton labels may be downloaded from the buttons circled below.
- I routed the incorrect number of cartons.
We do not send out new BOLs. Instead, please manually update the BOL to show the correct carton or pallet count. If you are making a large change (multiple pallets) please email for assistance.
At this time there is currently no way to 'edit' the PO, but you are able to delete the shipment and restart the routing process to enter the correct information.
- When should I expect to receive my labels?
Shipping labels created for a small parcel shipment will be generated immediately and may be downloaded upon completion of the routing process or later.
Labels created for a larger shipment will be generated within 30 minutes and a BOL will be emailed to the user who routed the shipment.
- I am trying to route my shipment for pickup today, but I am unable to. Why?
Our carriers can only accommodate same-day pickup when it is routed prior to noon, local time. You will have to schedule your pickup for the following day.
- I accidentally missed my pick with the carrier. What do I do?
If a pickup was missed, it is automatically rescheduled for the next day. If you would like to confirm this, you can email
- How do I receive my purchase orders (POs)?
When your purchase orders (POs) are ready to download, you will receive an email notification from your Zulily Account Manager. Please note, in addition to your purchase order (PO), you will receive an excel document, barcodes, and (for Drop Ship) packing slips in a formatted PDF with all necessary information for you to fulfill all customer orders listed on your purchase orders (POs). If you are set up for EDI, you will also receive your PO via EDI.
- Which Zulily fulfillment center do I ship to?
Please be sure to ship to the fulfillment center listed on each of your purchase orders (POs). Each purchase order may have a different ship to address.
Zulily Fulfillment Centers
zulily, llc – NVFC
3200 USA Parkway
McCarran, NV 89437
zulily, llc – OHFC
3051 Creekside Parkway
Lockbourne, OH 43194
zulily, llc – PAFC
10 Emery Street
Bethlehem, PA 18015
- What should I do if I ship from multiple warehouses?
Review the “Final Review” tab in the Vendor Portal for your primary “ship-from” location. If the location listed does not match where the majority of your merchandise is coming from, please alert your Account Manager to update the information. If you think that Zulily does not have your correct warehouse address on file, please contact your Zulily Vendor Specialist/Account Manager.
Note: You are able to add an additional warehouse address by navigating to the Event section and then going into an event (past, live, or future). Once there you will want to go into the 'Event POs & Shipping Details' and select 'Change your primary ship from warehouse' to add the additional address.
- What if I have warehouse closures?
You can identify warehouse closures in the Vendor Portal, on the dashboard, under the Calendar
In order to update warehouse closures, you will need to do the following:
1. Navigate to the calendar under the Dashboard link in the portal, and then the Calendar tab.
2. Once you click on a date you should get a button that lets you mark that date for warehouse closure.
3. Vendors are only able to update future dates with Closures. Any past closures or same-date closures will need to be directed to the AM.
4. You will need to repeat these steps for each separate day that your warehouse is closed.
5. Once a warehouse closure has been added, it will be listed on the right side of the calendar for visibility as shown below.
Note: any past closures or same-date closures will need to be directed to the AM as soon as possible.
- When do I ship my purchase orders (POs)?
Zulily’s standard shipping window is 48 hours from the time the purchase order (PO) is received. Your required ship date is listed on each of your purchase orders (POs). If you cannot meet the expected ship date for any reason, please contact your Account Manager.
- What method do I use to ship my purchase orders (POs)?
Depending on the size of your shipment, our Vendor Portal routing system will route it either via UPS small parcel or for LTL pick up. You will not know the shipping method until you have completed the routing process in the Vendor Portal.
If your shipment was routed as Small Parcel, you are responsible for arranging a UPS pickup or you can choose to drop off your shipment at a local facility as creating the small parcel label will not schedule a pick-up with the carrier.
If your shipment was routed as LTL, the carrier/system will schedule a pickup for the date and time entered within the routing request.
Note: If you do not agree with the method provided, please rest assured the shipments flows through an algorithm that decides the best price/method. Please proceed with the option provided.
- How do I submit my tracking information?
Under the “POs & Shipping” tab, select “Ship to Zulily,” and select ‘Not Routed’. Select the PO for which you wish to ship, and select “Report tracking #.”
- Do I have to apply UPCs or barcodes to my product?
If you already have UPCs, please provide your Assistant Buyer with a complete list of UPC numbers to input into the Zulily system. If you do not already have UPCs on your items, we expect you to barcode your merchandise with Zulily-provided barcodes. Zulily barcodes will be issued at the same time as your PO and can be printed onto Avery 5160 labels.
- What are Zulily’s packaging requirements?
If you are shipping something fragile, please pack appropriately to ensure items are not damaged in transit. If you use some form of protective packaging to protect your items, please place your UPC or Zulily barcode on the outside of the packaging so it can be scanned upon receipt at the Zulily fulfillment center.
When shipping clothing, please flat pack items in poly-bags, as hangers are not accepted in the Zulily fulfillment centers.
Non-apparel items may also be shipped in retail boxes.
We ask that cartons are clearly labeled with their corresponding PO.
If items within boxes are 1 complete set or a master pack that contains inners, we expect this to be labeled accordingly.
- Do I need to include a packing slip on my shipments?
Yes, please include a packing slip on the lead carton of the shipment.
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